TAP SBP in Spirogyra sp.

Full lineage¹: click here to see lineage

Protein source: Delaux et al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:13390-5

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List of proteins (13)

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c0_seq1_12_rccomp10641_c0_seq1_12 [3690 - 1627] (REVERSE SENSE) len=3822 path=[2115:0-605 2721:606-630 7733:631-806 7909:807-1065 8168:1066-1186 14632:1187-1201 8304:1202-1321 8424:1322-1502 12211:1503-1660 8605:1661-2710 9655:2711-3821]
c0_seq2_13_rccomp10641_c0_seq2_13 [3532 - 314] (REVERSE SENSE) len=3664 path=[2115:0-605 2721:606-630 7733:631-806 7909:807-1065 8168:1066-1186 14632:1187-1201 8304:1202-1321 8424:1322-1502 8605:1503-2552 9655:2553-3663]
c0_seq3_11_rccomp10641_c0_seq3_11 [2734 - 671] (REVERSE SENSE) len=2866 path=[13275:0-109 8168:110-230 14632:231-245 8304:246-365 8424:366-546 12211:547-704 8605:705-1754 9655:1755-2865]
c0_seq5_12_rccomp10641_c0_seq5_12 [2576 - 75] (REVERSE SENSE) len=2708 path=[13275:0-109 8168:110-230 14632:231-245 8304:246-365 8424:366-546 8605:547-1596 9655:1597-2707]
c0_seq6_10_rccomp10641_c0_seq6_10 [2543 - 480] (REVERSE SENSE) len=2675 path=[14157:0-54 8304:55-174 8424:175-355 12211:356-513 8605:514-1563 9655:1564-2674]
c0_seq8_11_rccomp10641_c0_seq8_11 [2385 - 37] (REVERSE SENSE) len=2517 path=[14157:0-54 8304:55-174 8424:175-355 8605:356-1405 9655:1406-2516]
c0_seq1_3[100 - 2550] len=4337 path=[13272:0-718 8660:719-1467 9409:1468-1734 9676:1735-1929 15772:1930-1932 9874:1933-2369 10311:2370-2474 15262:2475-2475 10416:2476-2610 10551:2611-2631 10572:2632-2638 6216:2639-2689 6267:2690-4336]
c0_seq2_3[100 - 2283] len=4070 path=[13272:0-718 8660:719-1467 9676:1468-1662 15772:1663-1665 9874:1666-2102 10311:2103-2207 15262:2208-2208 10416:2209-2343 10551:2344-2364 10572:2365-2371 6216:2372-2422 6267:2423-4069]
c0_seq8_3[100 - 2370] len=2457 path=[13272:0-718 8660:719-1467 9409:1468-1734 9676:1735-1929 15772:1930-1932 9874:1933-2369 14939:2370-2456]
c0_seq9_3[100 - 2103] len=2190 path=[13272:0-718 8660:719-1467 9676:1468-1662 15772:1663-1665 9874:1666-2102 14939:2103-2189]
c0_seq1_3[2 - 1588] len=4119 path=[3819:0-1555 8098:1556-1681 5375:1682-2974 7753:2975-3126 6668:3127-4118]
c0_seq2_5[2 - 2863] len=3993 path=[3819:0-1555 5375:1556-2848 7753:2849-3000 6668:3001-3992]
c0_seq4_5[2 - 3388] len=3841 path=[3819:0-1555 5375:1556-2848 6668:2849-3840]
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A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).

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¹ Information recieved using NCBI E-utilities and NCBI taxonomy database.